How to Beneficially Meet the Educational Needs of Gen-Z Using AR and VR Learning Tools

Meeting the Learning Needs of Gen-Z Using AR & VR Learning Tools

5 ways AR and VR learning tools serve as beneficial learning tools for Gen Z

1. Helping students focus
2. Bridging language barrier
3. Encourages inclusivity
4. Makes learning easy and fun
5. Leaves room for practice and exploration
6. 4 Factors to consider before integrating AR/VR learning tools in your institution
    (i) Content
    (ii) Digital know-how
   (iii) Budget
   (iv) Usage

Wthin conventional classrooms in which teachers rely on written materials, white/blackboards, laboratories etc., they find it difficult to keep the attention of Gen-Z students. Therefore, it is time for schools to consider the technological advancement EdTech brings to the table.

If you want to continue advancing the classroom learning experience, you need sustainable EdTech tools.

However, the learning needs of young learners exist in a state of constant flux of change. Therefore, EdTech tools that do not offer some form of practicality and applicability in the classroom will not capture the attention of today's young learners.

Hence, if you want to promote exceptional learning experiences for young learners, you need EdTech tools that can:

  1. capture student’s interests,
  2. attract attention,
  3. fun-filled and engaging,
  4. deliver high-quality content,
  5. and transcend the conventional spectrum.

But hey, where will you find such tools? Which EdTech tool can heighten Gen Z’s learning experience to new levels and generate expected results? Well, very few.

Come on! Let’s give you a tour.

Since Covid-19 started making headlines, statistics show that reliance on immersive learning tools skyrocketed. 97% of students favor using AR and VR in the classroom. Plus, research shows that VR and AR in education will be worth $700 million by 2025.

That means augmented and virtual reality are among the few EdTech tools teachers and administrators can use to effectively meet the dynamic learning needs of Gen Z students.

5 ways AR & VR learning tools serve as beneficial learning tools for Gen Z

1. Helping students focus

With the increased use of social media, increase in anxiety, depression, and easy access to the internet, young learners contend with lots of distractions. Therefore, making it hard for them to focus and creating a short attention span.

However, with a record number of young learners excelling with immersive curriculums and learning processes that pique their attention and keep them excited about classroom activities, there is hope for Gen Z.

Using AR and VR in the classroom makes the learning process real, intuitive, and fun. The immersive tech helps students and teachers cultivate a shared desire to remain attentive to the things that matter.

2. Bridging language barrier

The world is becoming a global village. We find students from different languages and backgrounds in the same classrooms, especially at higher institutions. This difference in language can create barriers and difficulties in learning.

AR and VR can help break these barriers by offering different language translations—allowing young learners to experience learning in any language, thereby boosting understanding and creativity.

3. Encourages inclusivity

Tons of disabled students make up Gen Z classrooms, so it's unfair to subject each learner to the same curriculums or teaching patterns.

AR and VR tackle this challenge by providing an environment of inclusivity. Multiple AR and VR apps help address disabilities-making it possible for all students to excel in school.

Also, some students can grasp concepts faster than others, often leaving behind learners who are slower to understand concepts. AR and VR in education allow teachers to help students learn at their own pace.

4. Makes learning easy and fun

Studies show that those who learn through experience and practical demonstration remember 90% of their learning.

However, the traditional teaching method depends on a 'sage on a stage' teaching experience-no natural flair for practicality-making it difficult for students to easily visualize complex concepts.

AR and VR can help simplify the understanding of complex concepts by providing immersive content that allows students to visualize, explore, and engage with learning material in a whole new way.

5. Leaves room for practice and exploration

AR and VR allow students to move from the traditional theory-based curriculum to a practical and hands-on approach.

The immersive tech makes the learning process interactive and engaging while increasing students' interests.

AR and VR also take away the unnecessary pressure of consuming lots of materials within a short time by supporting a learning process where learners can experience and practice as they learn.

4 Factors to consider before integrating AR/VR learning tools in your institution

1. Content

No one-size-fits-all content for classroom AR/VR learning. Each classroom's content depends on your specific educational requirement. That means you need an immersive hub to help you create personalized classroom content.

So, before you choose to introduce immersive tech to your institution, seek the services of an AR/VR learning hub robust enough to provide customized immersive content that satisfies your students’ learning needs.

Least you forgot; XR Guru can help tackle this issue.

2. Digital know-how

Buying AR and VR head-mounted devices is one thing; it is another to know how to operate them. Before buying HMDs, consider both the cost and ease of use.

Also, it's essential to train teachers and students on how to handle these tools before fully integrating them into the classroom. Basic training helps avoid loss of equipment, accidents, and can guarantee a good return on your investment.

3. Budget

AR and VR apps have the potential to be the next big thing in education, but they are not inexpensive.

From the onset, define your budget. Knowing your budget will help you identify suitable software and equipment.

For example, your institution might not be able to provide HMDs for all students in a class. You can decide to buy a few headsets and large screens-using the large screen as a conduit for other young learners to watch, observe, and learn from the experience of the person{s} wearing the headset.

4. Usage

How you intend to use AR and VR determines the equipment you need. However, the possibilities are numerous.

You can use VR or AR to set up a medical lab, use it for case studies, architectural studies, or teaching a language. How you use the tech will determine if you need extra hardware or software.


Gen Z interacts with all sorts of technological gadgets at home, and they seem to learn faster with these gadgets because of their fun, immersive, and engaging attributes.

For young learners, augmented and virtual reality learning is an essential educational requirement-not some nice-to-have marketing tool. So, the sooner you integrate AR/VR learning apps, the better.

Don't know where to start? Contact us for your AR/VR learning needs Schedule Your Free Consultation


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