7 Key Benefits of Using Virtual Reality to Train Teachers in K-12 Institutions

The Top Benefits of Using Virtual Reality to Train K-12 Teachers

Benefits of Using Virtual Reality to Train K-12 Teachers

·  The concept of virtual reality in the classroom {from a teacher’s perspective}

· Creates fairer opportunities for K-12 students

· Shakes off old teaching habits

· Seamless onboarding process

· Freedom to teach subjectively and intuitively

· Driving teacher-student bond

· Accommodate different personalities

· Everyone gets to learn

· Conclusion

We have focused so much on kids' development, asking questions like:

"How do we improve K-12 students classroom experience?"

"How do we reveal their passion?"

"How do we identify subjects that trigger their interest and drive creativity?"

Well, since these young learners hold the key to the future, it is kind of a no-brainer as to why we are so focused on their growth.

The attention paid to the education of students by administrators and policymakers only becomes beneficial if teachers can ignite the creative spark within students.

Every teacher knows there is no 'one-size-fits-all' method to imparting knowledge to K-12 students. However, very few can effectively offer dynamic teaching solutions.

Hence, the need for EdTech solutions.

Most young learners are digitally inclined. Meeting their needs on every level: emotionally, mentally, and intellectually requires EdTech tools.

However, there are multiple EdTech solutions for the K-12 space to choose from.

From artificial intelligence apps teaching students coding to augmented and virtual reality learning tools helping teachers and students transcend time and space-the list is long.

In this article, we focus on how virtual reality fosters educational growth and highlight the need for administrators to use VR in training teachers.

The concept of virtual reality in the classroom {from a teacher's perspective}

VR in the classroom helps teachers transcend the three-dimensional space-or reality-allowing them to immerse students in a new world of possibilities. But while, virtual reality

· Helps teachers train for real-life classroom scenario,

· Allows teachers to promote exploratory behaviour,

· Leaves room to foster dynamic teacher-student relationships,

· Offers immersive classroom management training sections,

· Helps teachers perfect their classroom practices, etc.

The fact remains:

Teachers cannot effectively use the learning tool to teach young learners unless they have undergone training.

So, if you want your teachers to use VR teaching tools to explain complex topics, you need to help them understand how it works.

But how can administrators educate teachers about VR? How can policymakers help teachers understand the complexity of immersive technology in the classroom? Well, definitely not by explaining how VR works with theoretical concepts.

Leaving only one option; using VR to train teachers how to effectively use VR in the classroom. Virtual reality for training provides a safe environment where teachers can learn about the details of virtual reality, its usage, and its platforms.

To bring home this discussion, let us look at seven key benefits of using VR to train teachers.

· Creates fairer opportunities for K-12 students

Iterative learning does not only apply to students because teachers are students as well.

In a Heist Denken lecture, a German Philosopher, Martin Heidegger stated, "Teaching is more difficult than learning because what teaching calls for is this: to let learning happen."

The above implies the competency in teaching requires teachers with the enthusiasm to challenge and encourage students to learn beyond their perceived ability.

VR promotes meaningful and experiential learning experiences resulting in improved memory retention. Therefore, using VR to train teachers creates fairer opportunities for K-12 students.

· Shakes off old teaching habits

Learning through traditional methods such as books, boards, and pdfs is not the most active and exciting learning experience.

However, since most teachers were taught using these traditional methods, it might be challenging for them to embrace a new experience unless you have put the proper steps in place to help them adapt quickly.

Using virtual reality to train teachers shakes off old teaching habits. The classroom tech promotes exploratory behaviour allowing teachers to learn at their own pace-fostering fun-filled and engaging learning/teaching experiences.

· Seamless onboarding process

Every institution has policies pertaining to its onboarding process-these policies determine the effectiveness of the hiring process.

If you are introducing new teachers to your school, it is your job to help them adapt to school policies. Because without proper training on the dos and don'ts they will have a hard time adapting.

Using VR to onboard teachers can help you operate an effective hiring process. VR reduces training time, promotes a seamless adaptation process, and keeps your institution advancing.

· Freedom to teach subjectively and intuitively

Teachers are in charge in the classroom. They determine the pathways for the dissemination of knowledge. But there is a limit to what teachers can do.

Virtual reality improves the ability of teachers with no intention of replacing them. Training teachers through virtual reality empowers them to streamline and emphasize essential lessons.

This goes a long way in maintaining a high level of concentration in the classroom. Because when a teacher knows how to effectively use VR in the classroom, students interact with subject matters in fun and engaging ways.

VR also frees up time for teachers to manage various classroom tasks. Plus, it provides teachers with the chance to create, organize, and plan lessons based on overall classroom observations.

· Driving teacher-student bond

The desire of most institutions is to create an environment where students are surrounded by open-minded teachers who understand them and allow them to speak freely.

While this is a good thing, many teachers do not know how to foster a strong teacher-student classroom relationship.

But that can change.

Using VR to train teachers allows them to observe behaviors and create subject lessons based on students' different skills, interests, and ability. Therefore, giving each student a customized learning experience.

· Accommodate different personalities

Different classroom personalities depict different learning styles and level of ability. For instance, not every student quickly and easily solves mathematical problems. For some, it takes a lot of explanation to get them up to speed.

VR strategically helps teachers lessen the classroom learning challenge with little to no personality bias.

Therefore, using VR to train teachers is a good idea for it helps them to create dynamic, immersive learning content. Content that can give students the fun, varied, and engaging experience they need to excel.

· Everyone gets to learn

Teachers creatively inspire their students when they have remarkable and memorable experiences under their belt.

Exposure and exploration allow teachers to paint descriptive pictures with extreme clarity. And thankfully, 'exploration and exposure' are major components of VR learning.

Using VR to train teachers can result in improved learning experiences. For example, historical, scientific, and technological events can be taught in more interesting, interactive, and engaging ways. Therefore, resulting in improved learning opportunities for students.


Albert Einstein said, "it is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge."

Teachers play a key role in the growth and development of K-12 students. So, it is only wise to do everything possible to keep teachers motivated, inspired, and creative.

Investing in the professional growth of teachers in ways that allow them to immersively practice teaching is a win for everyone.

Contact us to learn more about training your teachers to beneficially manage virtual reality in classroom
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