VR Learning Environment Takes Remote Learning to the Next Level

VR Learning Environment Takes Remote Learning to the Next Level
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way the world works, and it is no different in the education industry. The pandemic has pushed more people towards remote learning, and even after the threat of COVID-19 passes, it is highly likely more institutions will migrate to online learning methods. In fact, a study forecasts the global eLearning market to grow from $101 billion in 2019 to $370 billion by 2026.

A virtual reality (VR) learning environment can significantly improve the remote learning experience by offering immersive simulations and interactive 3D elements. In this piece, we will explore how VR learning helps to enhance remote learning and overcome the shortcomings of online education.

How VR Can Enhance Online Learning

Enhance Online Training

One of the major downsides of online education is the lack of practical elements. Incorporating VR learning in online education promotes hands-on, practical learning. Utilizing VR headsets for learning immerses the user and eliminates distractions. Virtual reality provides an immersive, safe training environment for learners, so people can train without the fear or worry of real-life consequences. For instance, VR can simulate risky training environments like surgeries and heavy machine training to help learners hone their skills without the fear of causing harm to life or property.

Social Learning

Conventional online learning can lack the social and collaborative aspects of learning. The importance of social and collaborative learning cannot be understated. Whether doing your job, building your network, or starting your business, knowing how to interact with customers and co-workers is vitally important and can be enhanced by spending time with other people. In an online classroom, there may not be enough opportunities to interact and collaborate with your fellow learners. There are discussion forums and chat rooms to interact with other people, but it is hard to beat a face-to-face conversation. However, VR learning can change this; using VR, you can virtually meet people all around the world. VR helps learners meet people from diverse cultures, ethnicities, and countries. Therefore, resulting in people experiencing, acknowledging, and celebrating individual differences.

Virtual Reality Language Learning

Improving fluency and gaining confidence are vital to learning a new language. In language learning via online classes, often the emphasis is on the teacher's presentation and lectures rather than interacting with people.

However, with the aid of VR applications, you can connect with native speakers and fellow learners via VR meetups, virtually participate in cultural fests, compete in virtual debates, and much more. Further, VR-based roleplays can help you participate in the "real" experience. For instance, if you are learning Japanese, you can virtually visit Tokyo and try to book a hotel room or order food from a restaurant.

Assessment with Visual Feedback

VR-powered learning can enhance the evaluation process. Virtual reality offers scenarios and online simulations to track and analyze your performance. With VR, you have the option to replay your performance visually, so you can see what went wrong and how to avoid making the same mistakes. For instance, if you make a mistake mid-way through your course, you can learn how to rectify your mistake using immersive simulations.

Benefits of VR-based Learning

Here are some advantages of using VR learning for distance learning:

· Faster Learning: Visual models help students learn faster and retain information for a longer period. Visualizing subject matter enhances the student's understanding and enhances the learning experience.

· Heightens Student Engagement: VR takes student engagement to new levels with interactive and gamified educational content. VR also promotes collaboration among teachers, students, and other fellow learners around the world.

· Learning Complex Subjects Becomes Easier: VR acts as a bridge between the real world and virtual world. Learners often must grasp information vaguely by reading textbooks, but VR learning offers interactive 3D elements that help students gain better clarity. In VR learning, educators can simulate complex topics like brain surgeries and nuclear reactions. These simulations can help students to get a clear picture of the subject matter.

· Authentic Classroom Experience: A good teacher knows that teaching is not simply reading stuff from books. It involves interacting with learners, presenting opportunities to practice, and providing a safe environment. These things are challenging to achieve in an online classroom. However, with VR, you can facilitate an authentic classroom experience.

Concluding Thoughts

VR is the new buzz in the EdTech industry, and it has the potential to transform the way we teach and learn. Educators often state the price point of VR devices as the primary obstacle in incorporating VR for learning. However, given the continuous major advances in technology and mobile learning growing at a rapid rate (CAGR of 23%),VR is becoming more relevant and accessible (the cost of VR equipment is dropping). Therefore, hop on the VR learning bandwagon to offer a better learning experience to your students.

Do you want to incorporate VR in your learning process? XR Guru is an immersive learning hub that promotes a practical, hands-on learning approach. XR Guru’s curated content and customized lesson plans help you learn at your desired pace.

Get in touch with us for a free consultation on your virtual reality learning needs
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