Why Should Students Use AR? How Is It Different from Traditional Educational Methods?
Imagine if you could teach students about active volcanos in the world by actually showing them one in the classroom. Sounds crazy, like something out of a sci-fi movie. Thanks to Augmented Reality (AR), this is feasible. In today's world, educators need to embrace new and different teaching methods such as adopting leading-edge technologies like AR that offer an immersive learning experience. Spending on Augmented reality is on the up, and a study predicts the global market of AR in education to reach $41.8 billion by 2027, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 77.2% over the period of 2020-2027. Read on to learn more about the benefits of using AR for students and the advantages it offers over conventional education methods. In this blog, • What Benefits does AR Provide for Students? → Makes Learning Interesting → Understanding Complex Concepts Becomes Easier → Practical Learning Made Possible with AR → Makes Students More Responsible → Stim...