From VR to AR to Our XR Future- Transforming Higher Education

The field of XR (extended reality) technology has become one of the fastest-growing industries in the world with countless use cases to benefit many fields of work. XR tech has been around for decades, with prominent companies like Sony, Microsoft, Apple, and Google making major headway in virtual reality development. Even areas like education had software developed to help bridge the gap between teacher and student, but it took a global pandemic for extended reality to really make its way into education as a standard tool. Now developers and schools alike are realizing the truth- that XR technology is transforming higher education. What is XR Technology Extended reality is an umbrella term for technology that uses digital products to enhance our physical world. XR encompasses both augmented realty (AR) and virtual reality (VR), as well as a combination of the two called mixed reality (MR). Augmented and virtual reality differ by one very simple little fact- augmented reality projects ...