Here is Why Virtual Reality is the Future of Workforce Training

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the ability to work from home became a necessity, immersive virtual reality (VR) technology played a major role is allowing people to effectively work from home. In recent times, VR has moved from the Gaming and Entertainment industry and is making a mark in diverse fields. The shift to working from home has accelerated the need for virtual reality applications in the workplace, especially for employee training purposes. VR engages the senses and immerses learners in life-like simulations, resulting in better training outcomes. More organizations are starting to use VR for workforce training, as the immersive nature of virtual reality offers numerous benefits to learners and organizations alike. Do you want to learn more about using VR in the workplace? On 9 August 2022, 11:00 a.m. EST, XR Guru is conducting a webinar on "Using Virtual Reality for Workforce Readiness." Join the webinar to learn more about using VR for e...