4 Strategic Benefits of VR in Education

Today’s youth are tech-savvy, to say the least. In fact, teenagers frequently access mobile phones, tablets, and virtual reality head-mounted devices in this decade. With more technology, comes more unseen problems like dwindling attention spans, information overload, and confusion on what to adopt and what to ignore. Nevertheless, due to the pandemic, even Kindergarten children are forced to embrace e-Classrooms, where the teacher speaks and shows videos for learning. How effective is it, is anybody’s guess! The same kindergarten child is hooked to YouTube videos like Peppa the Pig due to their predominant fun aspect. How can we re-engineer the situation so that we address the problem of declining attention spans, not just for kids, but for adults as well? From a quality and value perspective, let us look at 4 such strategic benefits that VR has to offer to the learning community at large. 1. VR Provides an Immersive Learning environment A popular adage goes thus: Out of sight,...